Agricultural Plant Protection Machine fertilizer tanks spraying seed tank
Compatible with the Agras range of aircraft, the MG Spreading System is controlled by built-in agitation and hopper doors to prevent blockages, and the application provides empty tank warnings and speed temperature and hopper outlet size anomalies.
Agras MG-1S, Agras MG-1S Advanced, Agras MG-1P series
13 L
10 kg
Compatible Aircraft*
1.8 kg
Spread Tank Volume
Spread Tank Internal Load
Compatible Material Diameter
0.5 - 5 mm
Max Hopper Outlet Area
8.6 cm 2
Spreading Range
Varies according to material diameter, spinner disk rotating
speed, hopper outlet size, and flying altitude. For best
operating results, adjusting the corresponding variables
to achieve a spreading range between 4 - 6 meters is